Thursday, January 12, 2012

moving moving

I am returning to Boston tomorrow. I don't really know what to make of it but I'm having a mix of emotions. I'm excited and bummed at the same time. It's probably because Boston is always associated with late nights or countless sleepless nights. 

On a side note, I can't believe I'm keeping up so well with this blogging idea. I thought I would stop very quickly because that's been the trend up until now. Does this mean that I'm finally starting to think about things in life instead of just passing by without a moment's thought? If this continues, I wonder what I'll end up like in the future. Will I be a well-thought man or will I just become a poser that tries to say things in a "hipster" way to attract the attention of many other mindless followers? 

It's surprising how many people actually visit this page. I was expecting no one to be looking at it but I guess it's encouraging  me to keep writing because people are regularly looking at my page. I wish I weren't so lazy. I wish I had more motivation to read books and gain some knowledge from books instead of sitting around watching movies or TV episodes all day. One of these days (very soon) I will grow a habit of reading as a pass-time instead of sitting around watching TV. Think about how much more knowledge you can gain from reading as a pass-time instead of doing other pointless things like checking my facebook, tumblr and g-mail 100 times a day. 

One day, I will become a learned man. Or.. I'll just become a man. I'm still a boy. a child. an infant. Lot's to work on. But to share a New Year's resolution that I decided to pick, I decided to start buying music and buying CDs instead of downloading music. When I was growing up, I heard the music my dad listened to and it was intriguing. I don't want my kids to come to me and ask for music and then I send them files. I want to give them a CD that I've held onto and cherished for many years just like how my dad used to give me the CDs from his enormous library. Music brings memories... there are some songs that your brain will associate with a certain period of your life. In the same way, I want my growing CD collection to be another holder of my memories. I love the nostalgic feeling that you get when you hear a song that you used to listen to when you were younger... the feeling of memories breathing in and out for just a split second.... and then a faint memory moves back and forth in your head and then slowly fades into an empty feeling of nostalgia... 

One Day. 

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