Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm in the mood to ramble. Will someone please let me ramble? Rambling alone is no fun because then I just start ranting instead of rambling. But to mindlessly talk about random things and to just let out little things that are insignificant is something I am looking for right now.

I wish I were better with words. I wish I had a "way with words". I think one of the most admirable things someone can do is to have a way with words and to have full and total control over the words that come out of his/her mouth. When a person can say what they mean and mean 100% of what they say, then they become powerful. But I don't really have that. I'm okay with words... I'm good enough to pass of in the societal medium as normal or conversational. But I want to be a man who has control over his words... a man who can move people just by the use of words. There is so much power in words... So, just a thought, but is mind control actually possible? Words can have the capability to change and move people in different ways and words come from your conscience or from your mind. So technically, it is your mind... controlling or moving other people. It's not like the conventional super-hero, ESP mind control but it is a form of mind control. If this is true, then we have some serious super-powered people out there.

I bought the new Coldplay album recently (Mylo Xyloto) and I am loving it. The sounds, the ambiance and the feel of the music is so Coldplay but it has a new feeling to it. Just bought the last ever David Crowder Band album and I'm thinking of purchasing his other albums eventually. I really like his music and the band is breaking apart so they're going to be a legacy.

I'm buying so many things lately but I feel so motivated to do school work (even though I haven't started yet). I really need to start... tomorrow! I will start tomorrow and see how things go. I hope I can get a lot of work done before school starts. I want to get a nice head-start and just get a general feel for what the class is going to be like so that I don't have to try to scramble and catch up to the class.

Lately, my dad has been asking me a lot about girls and he's starting to get real pushy about it. Almost makes me nervous (as if I'm doing something wrong). But I never know what to tell him when he asks me why I'm not dating... It's not like I don't want to be in a relationship, but something is stopping me from pursuing one. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's my school life? Just too busy to make time to go on dates and stuff or maybe it's my unwilling nature. Maybe I'm gay? Kidding. But for real! What is up with this? I used to be the kid that couldn't live without a girl to be talking about but now it barely ever crosses my mind. Is this the same for other guys my age? I feel like the guys at BU generally feel this way... coming from the fact that none of us are dating....... Forever alone to the max and the worst part is, we don't care. Another thing is, I just don't think I have the character to be dating... people always say that you need to cherish your single life because there are things you can learn only when you're single but what about the things you can learn when you're in a relationship, like dealing with people? I am at a serious deficit in that aspect and so I'm scared to get into relationships... I just don't think I will do the girl justice but at the same time when am I ever going to learn how to deal with people when I'm never around people? But that just makes me sound like I want to be in a relationship to benefit myself by using the girl as a tool (false). Anyway, no more of this girlfriend-relationship talk... more thinking doesn't change my situation. I'm sure God will work things out for me. I hope

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