Wednesday, February 29, 2012

sleeping sleeping

As of late, I've been sleeping at awkward hours. Last night, as I was watching Dragonball Z, I fell asleep at around 9PM and woke up at 10PM to find myself utterly confused and extremely sore for some weird reason. Today, I fell asleep watching How I Met Your Mother at 6PM and woke up again at 7PM... why is my body so tired? I started my work out schedule again, but I'm off to a slow start.

I'm itching to write about something but I don't really know what... I guess something I've been thinking about is how nothing is really happening in my life these days. My life is extremely uneventful and nothing has been happening lately. It's weird to complain about this (seriously a first world problem) but really, you would expect more to happen while living in a first world. But my life is so quiet... I don't know if this is because I am ignoring the things going on in my life or because there really is nothing going on, but it really seems so quiet... too quiet if you ask me.

I decided for now, I'm going to try and occupy myself by taking up photography a little more seriously. Actually doing research and trying to learn the concepts behind taking pictures on a "serious hobbyist" level. I need more places to start and some guidance because even if I do readings, I don't know how to apply the things I learn. Such a bummer. Well, gotta keep pushing forward and try to learn as much as possible! Hopefully, I can actually take this hobby up seriously for once and really take a lot of pictures to explore.

So going back to me being bored and having too much free time, I wonder what to think of such a situation. Am I supposed to be happy about this? Am I supposed to be okay that nothing is going on in my life? I am slacking a little in my spiritual walk but I think it's not in a bad place... I am constantly trying to challenge myself and keep growing... I just gotta keep at it. So, aside from my spiritual side needing a bit of a booster in morale, what the heck do I do? Where do I walk at this point my life? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? Am I supposed to be looking for internships and summer research positions? Or am I supposed to sit and wait patiently? Time is passing and fleeing.. I have no idea what to do... I'm a lost child in a sea of time (I should make that a song lyric). But for real, I am so lost in time.... and I feel like I'm just floating away.

Someone save me from this. I don't like this feeling. I want a feeling of desperation and need. I want to feel like I have something more to live for.

P.S. I've been really confused as to what I want to do in life.. especially since the time is drawing nearer... it's harder to determine whether or not I want to go into entrepreneurship or research... I feel like I would be more tailored for entrepreneurship... but we'll see what happens. People pray for me please. I need some serious Jesus-Guidance right now.

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