Tuesday, August 14, 2012

That awkward moment when...

Don't you just hate it when you have a very slow day and nothing is going on at night so you decide to go to bed early and then you realize you can't fall asleep because your mind is racing. Next thing you know, it's 2AM and you're wide awake and your mind is still going: "kjafnLFIUASD;DN qojfopq' JFOPQJDASD IWQE02&$)!@&$)(&()JDOIJdasd au(WSdslkadjadjnoas d9)!(@$&!@){$&(DASOKDJoajd:)()(hdklAHDLASJDKSAJDIOnkanKNFDKASDFLASKNDNAlkjnflksnfsdnf;folsnjf;klanfafn'fanflnsmkjfnscnwdsfmsnfs;kldfandfsnfos;daf......wsfasnfsdjfla...ano;FNLSAD;ANDFSNF;nskanfjdknf;()&)#U$()*#&%)!&@$_!@*$()$*@*!P@*#()UAJDljdladlakjdakmdalkdlala;d.........

Yeah, well I'm having one of those moments right now. It's like all my thoughts are just white noise and it just won't shut up

So frustrating when you're mind is racing and you've got so many thoughts swimming through your head. I should invent something that can literally shut your brain off when you're sleeping... Would be a bit dangerous in the protoyping stage... especially with humans... if you accidentally shut the brain off for good... HAHA

Anyway... Johnny Woo suggested I go read 1 Chronicles. Sounds like sound advice. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh, it looked like I double posted... then it deleted both when I just wanted to delete one... what the...
    https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/552041_482439225101179_1780646704_n.jpg ?

  3. now it looks like I posted 4 times with 2 deleted and 2 same message... what?
