Thursday, February 16, 2012

jack daniels

Reading other people's blogs makes me want to write a post, despite the fact that I don't have anything to write about. Maybe something will come out of all this rambling.

So I started a work-out schedule. Well, it's more like a competition... for 4 weeks, Wonshick and I will work out everyday and then see who can get bigger. I feel like everyone thinks that I can get bigger which makes me feel overconfident and thus makes me compensate how hard I'm going to work out. I don't really feel like I'm working out all too much but I have been going to the gym every single day. Working out really makes you tired.

It's funny how working out different parts of your body can really change the way you feel about your appearances. When you work out things like back, legs, shoulders... then it's really hard to feel continuously motivated because you don't really see the results as quickly. But when you work out biceps, triceps, chest,  or abs, then you can walk out of the gym feeling like a total boss because your arms or chest will bloat like crazy which makes you look at least 2 times your natural size. Serious ego booster.

On a totally, random note...
Isn't it strange how time moves at different speeds? If it's 11AM or 3PM, the day feels like it's never going to end... but as soon as it starts to hit 7PM or 8PM... then time literally flies and the next thing you know, it's 10PM or 2PM... and it's way past your bedtime. I hate that. I hate feeling like I'm in some sort of rush later in my day. I wish the days would get slower as you go through. But class was interesting today. We had a review session for our exam next week (Prof. wasn't there because he is on some seminar trip)... and so the TFs were trying to review the material for us but they kept making mistakes and kept doing things in really weird roundabout ways... and so half the time, we were correcting their mistakes. It was actually kind of annoying seeing how annoying slow and stupid their way of analyzing the circuit was. By the time they wrote half of the equations, all the kids were done with the problem.

I'm getting really tired and actually getting really sleepy. I just woke up to a bunch of "B's" on my screen because I fell asleep while typing this blog. Damn. I want to go to bed, but I don't want to because I didn't do anything at all today. First world problems....

Edit: I've come to realize that every time I decide whether or not to stay out or go home, I feel so torn. Home is so comfortable. I have my computer there, my guitar, my movies, TV shows, etc. etc. But then again, home is where I have nothing to do and am usually by myself. Home is where my thoughts get me carried away and I end up sitting around all day and thinking about random things. And then my thoughts just wonder and I lose track of what reality is and then I start twisting reality. I start thinking that I thought about something for such an extended period of time which makes me tired of thinking about it. It's crazy how thinking 100% about a single thing over a short period of time can feel like thinking about the same thing with only 10% concentration over a week. Interesting.

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