It has been far too long since I've been able to write in this blog... as is with all mediocre and "enthusiast" bloggers, I will start up again and attempt at maintaining interest in my own personal for more than 15 minutes a day.
Time is
definitely fleeting. Just a few minutes ago, it was Monday. And here we are again on a
Sunday night Monday morning with me dreading the drive to work as well as the endless number of tickets and phone calls and customers complaining about how their issues are more important than the next... *queue tiniest violin in the world*.
Anyway, let me get back to watching an episode of "House of Cards" before going to bed and regretting every minute of it as I decide to kill another hour of potential sleep. Oh.. sweet sweet sleep - such a rarity in which words cannot even begin to describe just how succulent it is as an entity.
Goodnight Yall. Keep it real.